judgedreddKarl Urban starred in Dredd, an entirely different version from Sylvester Stallone’s Judge Dredd. Director Peter Travis and screenwriter Alex Garland ignored the original film and showed John Wagner’s creation respect by drawing influence from the comics. Overall, Dredd was a well-done comic book movie, with fun visuals, and strong leads in Urban’s Judge Dredd and Olivia Thirlby’s Cassandra Anderson.

Unfortunately, Dredd didn’t perform well in the box office. It was speculated that Judge Dredd was still fresh in the mind of audiences. Another reboot? From that ridiculous Stallone movie? It already had a lot riding against it.

Fortunately, the film found a cult following when it hit the Blu-ray market. In a recent interview with Collider, Urban revealed that he’s still in touch with Garland.

“Interestingly enough, I did have breakfast with Alex Garland this morning.  It’s not off the agenda.  Clearly everyone has woken up to the fact that an audience has found this movie and loves it.  It’s entirely possible, and if people want to see another installment then they should be vocal about that, because, it can happen.  The power of fandom can resurrect projects.  In fact, that’s what happened with Star Trek.  They weren’t going to do a third season until fans did a letter writing campaign and they continued that series.”

Urban and co. clearly enjoyed making the movie. Comic book writer Wagner sang praises for the adaptation. Fans of the comics, plus people new to the franchise, discovered a highly enjoyable film. And really, it’d be magnificent if the studio gives a sequel the green light. There’s a lot of stories in the comics to draw influence from.